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I was talking to a friend in the real estate business about a technology that’s used to create virtual tours of properties, Matterport. They’ve been around for a while and are doing some amazing things in proptech for a ton of different industries. He was familiar with it and said he had used it for some of his properties in the past with great results. As we got deeper into why he didn’t use it more, he said it was a bit too passive to be an every day marketing tool. I asked him, “What if you could personally take people through one of your Matterport virtual tours live, in real time, instead of them passively browsing through it? That way, you would be able to answer any questions they have, talk through the best features of the buildings, and qualify them as a buyer. Would that be more useful to you?” Turns out, it was. So, he asked if that existed. It didn’t, at least not the way we had been discussing his needs. Ever since that conversation, Jay and I had been noodling on whether or not we should try to create a solution. With all the tech and apps out there, we thought it was possible so we went ahead and did it.
Welcome to, a new storytelling tool that we think could be really useful to lots of folks across lots of industries…some obvious, and some we think could bring discovery and connection to a whole new level. This is for sure in its infancy but we’re going to keep adding features and thinking of new ways to make this even better!
I won’t say too much more except we hope you have a moment to check it out. We’d love your feedback on what you see. Even better, we’d love to take you on a tour and explain all the features of the platform.